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 Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.

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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 11:22

Bradley Harper Fritzgerald

heaven is my baby, suicide’s her father, opulence is the end.

SURNOMS: Brad, Bébère ÂGE: 19ans et toute ses dents DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE: 27 Septembre 1994 à Bath NATIONALITÉ ET ORIGINES: Double nationalité : Anglaise et Portugaise. MÉTIER/ÉTUDES: Musique/chant; Guitare + cours de chant. Vendeur chez Jack Wills STATUT CIVIL: célibataire. PERSO INVENTÉ OU SCÉNARIO: perso inventé. OCCUPATION: faire des conneries. GROUPE: music. CRÉDITS: tumblr.

Brad est un gros fêtard + il profite de la vie à fond + Brad se drogue de temps en temps. Tout dépend de la période et de son flux d'humeur + il aimerait bien se trouver dans une relation stable, avec quelqu'un qu'il aime, mais il reste fan des coups d'un soir et autres sex Friend + il aime bien porter de fausses lunettes de vue Ray Ban, histoire d'accentué son look britannique + dès qu'il voit une jolie fille, peu importe où, il ne peut s'empêcher de sourire + il porte toujours un bracelet brésilien autour de son poignet, pour raison sentimentale + passionnée de musique depuis sa plus triste enfance, elle l'a aidée à passer les capes difficile + Bébère, comme Nala le nommait, adore les Dalmatiens + c'est un vrai gamin dans sa tête, il adore s'amuser, jouer, et par dessus tout; les Walt Disney +

PSEUDO + PRÉNOM: Aurélie ou Okapi ÂGE: bientôt 16 ans COMMENT AS-TU DÉCOUVERT UOA: MERCI A MA LEAA (allias Andrew) qui me la fait découvrir!  AVIS SUR LE FORUM: Beeh, WOUAW quoi! je sens que je vais bien m'amuser!  CÉLÉBRITÉ SUR L'AVATAR: George Shelley

Dernière édition par Bradley H. Fritzgerald le Ven 21 Juin - 20:28, édité 12 fois
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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 11:22

life is a game everybody loses

heaven is my baby, suicide’s her father, opulence is the end.
« Je me retrouvais là, seul devant ces deux grandes tours, dont l’une d’elle venait d’être violemment percuter par un avion. Je ne bronchais pas, j’étais pétrifié sur place, les gens au tour de moi paniquaient, criaient. Je sentis une main se poser sur mon épaule et me secouer dans tous les sens mais je restais tel un mort devant cette tour qui se décomposait sous mes yeux. Soudain une claque puis deux. Je tournais doucement la tête et vit le visage décomposer de mon meilleur ami qui essayait de me faire reprendre mes esprits. Nous étions à côté de la tour, des débris nous tombais dessus, des morceaux énorme de la tour tombait tout autour de nous. Je voulais avancer, je voulais vraiment partir mais j’avais tellement peur, mes larme coulait encore et encore. Je ne pouvais pas bouger. Sans même que j’eu le temps de comprendre je fus projeter au sol, des éclats de sang, des cris, des pleurs et un meilleur ami écraser au sol avec un bout d’acier sur lui. Prit d’une panique folle je me levais, courais vers lui, utilisais mes dernières forces pour l’aider mais en vain je n’étais pas assez fort pour l’aider. Je criais à l’aide, que quelqu’un me vienne en aide, je me tordais de douleur tellement je criais mais personne ne venait. Soudain quelqu’un me prit par les hanches, me positionna sur ses épaules et commença à courir loin de cette catastrophe. Je me débâtais, je pleurais, je hurlais. Mon meilleur ami était encore là-bas écraser par cette chose et je ne pouvais rien faire. J’étais tellement impuissant et fautif. Je sentais un énorme vide m’envahir, comme si la mort m’attrapait de l’intérieure. Du haut de mes sept ans, le 11 septembre 2001, en vacances aux USA, je venais de perdre mon meilleur ami, qui sacrifia sa vie pour moi.

On pourrait croire à un scénario de film. Si seulement, si seulement ça avait été le seul malheur. Mais du haut de mes seize ans, je m’amusais, je noyais toute mes questions dans l’alcool et la drogue croyant que ça pourrait être la réponse à tous, alors qu’au fond j’en oubliais seulement la question : Pourquoi je n’avais pas bougé ce jour-là ? Tous les soirs la même histoire : une bouteille en trop, ma sœur venant me chercher après un coup de fil, des engueulades interminable. Jusqu’au jour où elle lâcha le regard de la route deux seconde, se tournant vers moi, loupant la voiture qui sortait de nulle part et prit en pleins fouet dans un accident. Je me réveillai quelque jour plus tard dans un lit d’hôpital avec une jambe dans un plâtre et des douleurs insoutenable mais j’étais en vie. Encore une fois j’étais le chanceux, celui qui étais fautif mais qui sans sortait toujours idem, alors que je ne l’aurais pas souhaité. J’appris quelque minute après que ma sœur était dans le coma et qu’on ne savait pas si un jour elle allait se réveiller. Ce trou béant réapparu en moi, cette panique et cette culpabilisation. Mon mal être interminable venait de commencer.

L’avantage d’être née Fritzgerlad l’une des plus riches familles d’Angleterre est d’avoir les meilleurs traitements sur terre et de ne pas débrancher ma sœur avant d’être sûre que son état ne va que se détériorer. Depuis maintenant bientôt deux ans ma sœur est attacher à ces machines et que mon désespoir est de temps en temps perdu dans la drogue. Durant ces deux année j’eu également rencontré mon premier amour, celle grâce à qui j’eu réussi à arrêter d’en prendre pendant une période, qui ma redonna l’envie d’être heureux et de sourire de nouveau au monde. C’était le genre d’amour dont tout le monde savait qu’ils étaient amoureux l’un de l’autre, tous sauf les concerner. J’en étais fou de ma Nala R. Berry. Alors qu’un soir j’étais prêt à faire le grand pas, à me lancer à l’eau et lui avouer mes sentiments, elle se rétracta et me balança qu’elle savait que je prenais de la drogue qu’elle ne le supportait pas et que ça la décevait beaucoup. Toucher par ses paroles, je n’essayais pas de me justifier, je pris mes affaires et partit. Je ne me laisserais pas abattre par une défaite en amour. Malgré le fait que je perdis Nala totalement de vu, je ne perdais pas ce qu’elle m’avait offert, le goût de revivre. Il m’arrivait encore parfois d’en reprendre de cette poudre blanche mais mon sourire n’était plus forcer et je profitais de nouveau de la vie, en essayant de refouler tous mes sentiments de culpabilité. »

J’enregistrai et ferma ma page word, où je venais décrire tous ce que je ressentais, c’était mon ancien psy qui me disais que c’était bon décrire ce que je ressentais quand j’avais l’impression de retomber. Je me sentais un peu mieux, j’avais l’impression qu’en écrivant mon histoire je comprenais un peu qui j’étais. Après avoir rangé mon ordinateur, je pris mes affaires et partie rejoindre mes cousins Wilson, pour oublier à ma manière mes problèmes, en m’échappant avec eux dans la musique, à chanter à tue-tête tous ce que notre cœur voudrait dire. Ils ont toujours été les seules de ma familles que j’ai aimé.

Dernière édition par Bradley H. Fritzgerald le Ven 21 Juin - 20:26, édité 2 fois
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Nala R. Berry
Nala R. Berry

☇ messages postés : 167
☇ age du perso : 30
☇ avatar : Frida Gustavsson.
☇ à londres depuis le : 22/08/2012
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 11:25

BIEEEEEEEEEEENVENUE Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250
69ème membre, c'est un signe bb Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3898449405
BONNE CHANCE POUR TA FICHE MA POULETTE, JOTEM TOUT TOUT FORT Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2077153353
george lit

Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365 Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell 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open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3860099365  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  132023959  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  170738179  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3808175250  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1839924927  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  727321294  Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2774444739  Zoey  rhaa  coeur  Voui  Yahou  Beau goss  cute  Kiss
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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 11:39

LEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2077153353
Haha j'ai fais exprès, 69 mon chiffre préférer Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3898449405

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Mini P. Caldwell
Mini P. Caldwell

☇ messages postés : 141
☇ avatar : Taylor Marie-Fantasmagorique Hill.
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/05/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 11:48

Bienvenue ! cute
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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 12:04

Merciiiiiiiii Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2077153353
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Ismaël-Jawaad Strokes
Ismaël-Jawaad Strokes

☇ messages postés : 99
☇ age du perso : 31
☇ avatar : Choucroute banane aka Zayn Perfect Malik
☇ à londres depuis le : 06/08/2012
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 12:08

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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 12:15

zayn bave
je vais faire de mon mieux, et avec l'aide de Léa je vais gèré Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2448048395
(Léa à un peu éditer sur le coup Arrow)
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Ivy C. Addams
Ivy C. Addams

☇ messages postés : 348
☇ age du perso : 29
☇ avatar : Allison Harvard
☇ à londres depuis le : 20/08/2012
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 17:52

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Beau P. Louison
Beau P. Louison

☇ messages postés : 142
☇ avatar : adam gallagher/gummie.
☇ à londres depuis le : 14/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 18:22

J'ai failli le prendre à la place d'Adam ahah ! Bienvenue ici ! Very Happy
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Bradley H. Fritzgerald
Bradley H. Fritzgerald

☇ messages postés : 19
☇ avatar : georgeCUTEshelley
☇ à londres depuis le : 21/06/2013
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin - 20:32

Haha merci, merciii! Very Happy
Je vois quoi Shelley est plutôt bien aimer par ici Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  3898449405
Mais Adam Gallagher est tout aussi GORGEOUS! malaise
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Nala R. Berry
Nala R. Berry

☇ messages postés : 167
☇ age du perso : 30
☇ avatar : Frida Gustavsson.
☇ à londres depuis le : 22/08/2012
Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitimeSam 22 Juin - 8:33

aaah avec la page wordl c'est trop cool cool aussi Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2077153353
bienvenue ma chérie Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2077153353
et vive Brala Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  2010964443

♡ keur sur toi t'es oppé pour la suite.


Bienvenue à toi sur UOA. Tu as terminé ta fiche et tu peux maintenant poster dans le reste des sujets du forum. Pour commencer en beauté, tu pourrais aller réserver ton avatar, pour être sûr que personne d'autre te vole ta bouille sous peine qu'on devienne fous dans la régie si ça se passe. Puis n'hésite pas à créer ta fiche de liens pour créer des relations avec les autres membres du forum. Oh tu peux aussi rejoindre facebook et recenser ton profil dans le répertoire parce que facebook c'est le réseau social nul mais dont on peut pas se passer ok. Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  1411664268  Enfin, tu peux aller créer tes propres scénarios si tu en as besoin pour l'évolution de ton personnage ou juste si t'as envie de faire la fête avec une personne de plus. Yahou  Bref is t'as des problèmes le staff est toujours là pour se plier à tes désirs il te kiffe donc n'hésite jamais. AMUSE-TOI BIEN DANS LONDRES. lit 
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Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.    Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.  Icon_minitime

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Tell them I was happy, and my heart is broken. ✖ All my scars are open. ✖ Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible.

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